- 1905 Items
1905 Items
NEW!Original German WWII First Model DAK Afrikakorps Sun Helmet with Badges - Size 55$595.00
NEW!Original German WWII Reich Labor Service RAD Zeltreine Tent Shelter 20" x 26" Painted Steel Sign with Photographs - Reichsarbeitsdienst$495.00
NEW!Original German WWII RLB Danziger Luftschutzbund Recruitment Poster with Mechanical Drawing on Back - 13¼ x 19¾”$250.00
NEW!Original Yugoslavian WWII License Made ZB-30J German MG30(t) Display Machine Gun with Magazine$1,795.00
NEW!Original Imperial German Prussian Model 1867/94 Officer’s Uhlan Tschapka with Plume - Dated 1917$1,795.00
NEW!Original New Guinea / Admiralty Islands Obsidian Spear Heads & Daggers Mounted in Parinarium Nut Paste - 4 Total - Early 20th Century$1,195.00
NEW!Original German WWII Late Pattern Rural Police Shako with Leather Chinstrap & Post-War Feldzeichen$695.00
NEW!Original German WWII Reich Labor Service Large Pennant Flag - 48" x 90" - Reichsarbeitsdienst$395.00
NEW!Original German Pre WWII Soldatenbund Soldier's League Veterans Association Officer's Visor Cap with Kyffhäuserbund Insignia$395.00
NEW!Original German WWII Fire Protection Police EM/NCO Schirmmütze Visor Cap by Carl Isker - size 54 ½$395.00
NEW!Original Rare German Weimar Period Reichsmarine Naval Officer's Lion Head Dress Sword with Brass Fit Leather Scabbard$1,495.00
NEW!Original German WWII Luftwaffe 1944 Dated M43 Einheitsmütze Wool Field Cap with RBNr. Markings - Flaps Removed - Size 58cm$795.00
NEW!Original German WWII Single Decal M-38 Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger Paratrooper Helmet with Relic Liner - ET68$6,495.00
NEW!Original German WWII Heer Army DAK Afrikakorps "Pink" Camouflage Single Decal M35 Helmet with 1938 Dated 53cm Liner & Chinstrap - Stamped EF60$2,895.00
NEW!Original German WWII Luftwaffe 3rd Flak Artillery Regiment Kanonier Enlisted Fliegerbluse Tunic with Medal Bar - Dated 1938$1,495.00
NEW!Original German WWII E. Reitz Uniformwerke of Antwerp Werkschutz Factory Protection Belt Buckle$995.00
NEW!Original German WWII POW-Made Luftwaffe Eagle Statue Made with Artillery Fuze on Stand$795.00
NEW!Original German WWII National Socialist State Veteran's Association Flag Pole Finial on Marble Base - NSRKB$595.00
NEW!Original German Inter War Reichswehr Bavarian 15./21. (Bayer) Inf. Rgt. Battalion Regimental Christmas Beer Stein$595.00
NEW!Original German NSDAP Party Enamel Buttonhole Membership Badge by Ferdinand Wagner of Pforzheim - RZM M1/8$250.00