- 68 Items
68 Items
SALE!Original French WWI 2nd Hussars Pilot Air Service Officer Uniform Set - Nearly Identical to French Ace Charles Nungesser - Armée de l'Air
$3,795.00$3,295.00 -
Original U.S. WWII Women’s Army Corps WAC SHAEF French-Made Uniform & Guidon Grouping - WAC Hobby Hat & Underwear - British-Made Skirts
SALE!Original French WWI Armée de l'Air Air Force Roold Aviation Crash Helmet With Correct Ear Pieces - Casque d’Aviateur
$1,995.00$1,695.00 -
NEW!Original British 2nd Boer War Named 5th Dragoon Guards Three Draw Brass Spotting Telescope Engraved to Major Ralph Legge Pomeroy - Author of 5th Dragoon Guards Regimental History$1,295.00
NEW!Original French Pre - WWI Algerian Tirailleurs Zouave Style Uniform Top With Vest & Trousers$795.00
NEW!Original French WWI F1 Practice Hand Grenade with Billant Modèle 1916 Fuse - Inert$495.00
NEW!Original French WWII French Serving Royal Air Force Bullion Insignia & Pilot’s Wings with FFI Pins$495.00
NEW!Original French WWI Inert IIIrd Army “Double” Raquet Pétard “Hair Brush” Stick Fragmentation Grenade - Pétard de la IIIe Armée$450.00
SALE!Original France WWI Uniform and Field Gear Lot Featuring American Field Service Worn Horizon Blue Overseas Cap - 6 Items
$595.00$450.00 -
SALE!Original French WWII Airaile Type 11 Armée de L'Air Flight Helmet
$695.00$450.00 -
NEW!Original French WWI Inert Foug M1916 Inert Lemon Grenade with Cone Plug - Citron modèle 1916$395.00
Original French WWI Brass Trench Art Lighter and Matchbox Holder Set - 3 Items
SALE!Original French WWI French Belgian Relations Allied Victory German Shell Casing Trench Art - Honneur A La Vaillante Belgique
$495.00$350.00 -
NEW!Original French Pre-WWI Clarion Bugle With Original Cords by Jérôme Thibouville-Lamy - Circa 1880-1910$295.00
NEW!Original French WWI Model 1877 Canteen with Shoulder Strap$295.00
SALE!Original French WWI Appareil Respiratoire Spécial Special Breathing Apparatus ARS Gas Mask With Filter and Canister - Battlefield Relic
$395.00$295.00 -
SALE!Original French Pre-WWII TC-38 Civil Defense Gas Mask With A.R.S. Canister - Civilian Variant of the ANP T-31
$350.00$295.00 -
SALE!Original Italian WWI Bangalore Torpedo Explosive Tube for Clearing Obstacles
$495.00$275.00 -
SALE!Original French WWI 1917 Palais du Trocadéro Benefit Performance Poster by Lucien Jonas
$595.00$250.00 -
SALE!Original French WWI Gamelle Individuelle Mle. 1852 Mess Kit - Gamelle Individuelle Modèle 1852