- 660 Items
660 Items
SALE!Original German WWII NSKK Motor Corps 1939 4th Allgäu Mountain Off-road Tour Plaque Table Medal
$350.00$195.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII Schießbuch Shooting Proficiency Book Group Named to Erich Sohns with Light Machine Gun Book
$350.00$195.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII 1942 Dated Tornister 34 Pony Fur Backpack with 1940 Dated Shoulder Straps
$295.00$195.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII Heer Wehrpaß Military ID of WWI Veteran Vizewachtmeister Richard Schmidt with Translation & Photo
$295.00$195.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII Identity Disc Dog Tag - 3rd Co. Fallschirmjäger Motor Training Dept., Helmstedt - No. 3706
$295.00$195.00 -
SALE!Original Cold War Era Czechoslovak Socialist Republic Coat of Arms and Communist Star Cardboard Sign Lot - 2 Items
$295.00$195.00 -
Original German WWII 2nd Pattern NSKK Crash Helmet Eagle Badge Plate - New Old Stock
German WWI C96 Wood Buttstock Holster Set
SALE!Original German WWII NSKK Motor Group Ostmark Alpine Tour 25 June 1939 Participant Plaque Table Medal
$295.00$175.00 -
SALE!Original German WWI Trench Art Lot - Letter Openers & Matchbox Holder
$250.00$175.00 -
NEW!Original German WWII National Socialist State Veteran's Association Officers Felt Armband with BeVo Insignia - NSRKB$150.00
NEW!Original German WWII National Socialist State Veteran's Association Felt Armband with BeVo Insignia - NSRKB$150.00
SALE!Original German WWII M31 Aluminum Mess Kit Kochgeschirr with Leather Strap - Dated 1941
$250.00$150.00 -
Original German WWII MG 42 Ranging Bar Adjusting Lath- Marked Wild
Prussian Jäger Enlisted Shako Leather Helmet
NEW!Original German WWII HJ Late War Painted Cap Badge - Membership Pin - RZM M1/185$125.00
SALE!Original German WWII Heer Army Heavy Burlap Ration Grain Sack Section - 29" x 68”
$175.00$125.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII 1934 Mauser Black Softshell Leather Holster
$195.00$125.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII NSDAP Regional District Department Leader Matched Pair of Collar Tabs - Stellenleiter
$250.00$125.00 -
SALE!Original German WWI Trench Art Inert Egg Grenade & Artillery Fuse Candle Holder with Snuffer