- 661 Items
661 Items
NEW!SALE!Original German WWII 25 Engagement General Assault Badge by Rudolf Karneth & Söhne of Gablonz
$2,595.00$1,995.00 -
Original German WWII U-Boat Kriegsmarine Model SLD Double Barrel Signal Pistol Flare Gun by EEU - Serial 752 - Dated 1943
SALE!Original German WWII Afrika Korps Luftwaffe Flight NCO Tan Tropical Uniform Flight Jacket Shirt - Size II 38cm Collar
$2,395.00$1,995.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII Luftwaffe Glider Camouflage Canvas Skin Cut Off Section - 15 1/2" x 19"
$2,495.00$1,995.00 -
NEW!Original German WWII AH Formal Pattern .800 Silver Demitasse Dessert Spoon by Bruckmann$1,895.00
SALE!Original German WWII 1941 Dated Framed Portrait Painting of Luftwaffe DAK Flight Branch Obergefreiter in North Africa by Felix Otto Von Rossen - 16" x 20 1/2"
$2,295.00$1,895.00 -
NEW!Original German WWII 1938 Dated Heer Army 27th Panzer Regiment Enlisted M35 Waffenrock Dress Tunic with Trousers$1,695.00
SALE!Original German WWII Rare Kampfpistole Z Model LP 34 Signal Flare Pistol by Walther - Dated 1941
$1,995.00$1,695.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII SS Flatwire Embroidered EM/NCO Double Sig Rune Collar Tab - Schutzstaffel
$2,295.00$1,495.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII Named Heer Panzer Reserve Hauptmann Officer's Wool Greatcoat by Ludwig Kielleuthner of Munich - dated 1936
$1,895.00$1,495.00 -
SALE!Original Italy WWII Bersaglieri Light Infantry Motorcycle Mounted Medical Kit Filled With Contents
$1,995.00$1,495.00 -
NEW!SALE!Original German WWII SA Stormtrooper Wood Carving with Presentation Plaque - Sturmabteilung - Signed & Dated 1933
$1,895.00$1,295.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII Luftwaffe Pilot's Brown Leather Flight Jacket with Shearling Collar
$1,895.00$1,295.00 -
Original German WWII Luftwaffe Junkers Ju 88 Empfänger Zielflug 6 EZ6 Direction Finder Receiver
SALE!Original German WWII Rare Bakelite 6x30 Dienstglas Binoculars by Emil Busch (cxn)
$1,495.00$1,195.00 -
NEW!Original Rare Unissued German WWII SA-Wehrmannschaften Personnel Aluminum Buckle by C. Theodor Dicke with RZM Tag - RZM M4/22$1,195.00
SALE!Original German WWII Unissued Fallschirmjäger Paratrooper Training Jump Smock Suit by by Karl Heisler with Tags - Dated 1939
$1,495.00$1,195.00 -
SALE!Original German WWII Award, Document & Photo Set of Brothers Adolf & Walter Tepper - Both in Waffen SS Panzer Divisions
$1,595.00$1,195.00 -
NEW!Original German Pre-WWII 1934 Waffen-SS SS-Sonderkommando Personal Photo Album - 123 Photographs Total$1,095.00
NEW!SALE!Original German Pre-WWII Bronze Grade Spanish Cross Without Swords - Spanish Civil War Legion Condor