- 2303 Items
2303 Items
Museum Style Wood and Velvet Helmet Display Stand
Original NATO Military Surplus Wool and Cotton Blend Balaclava- OD Green
WWII Allied Forces D-Day Invasion Combat Knife and Scabbard
Original French Foreign Legion 9mm Pistol Holster
WWII Allied Forces D-Day Invasion Combat Knife without Scabbard
French WWI Adrian Helmet Era Flaming Bomb Brass Badge
Original Belgian FN 1903 Browning Pistol Magazine
From $34.95
Original French White Pistol Belt - Military Police Issue
Original Belgian FN-49 SAFN Grenade Launcher - Compatible with SKS
From $79.95
French MAS-36 CR39 Paratrooper Sling
U.S. WWII Navy H-4 type Flight Helmet French 403-M3 Bone Dome
From $99.95
Napoleonic First French Empire Era Carabinier Officer Helmet with White Plume
Original French Louis XIV Flintlock Turnover Over-Under Pistols by Mayer of Lyon
NEW!Original French WWI M1916 Type 2 Fighting Knife by Gonon 41 with Scabbard - Le Vengeur de 1870$595.00
NEW!Original French WWII North African Zouave M26 Adrian Helmet in Scarce Large Size - Full Liner$395.00
NEW!Original French WWI F1 Practice Hand Grenade with Billant Modèle 1916 Fuse - Inert$495.00
NEW!Original French WWI Inert IIIrd Army “Double” Raquet Pétard “Hair Brush” Stick Fragmentation Grenade - Pétard de la IIIe Armée$450.00
NEW!Original French WWI Colonial Field Artillery Officer’s Capitaine Dark Blue Uniform with Correct Shoulder Boards & Matching Kepi$995.00
NEW!Original French Pre-WWI Clarion Bugle With Original Cords by Jérôme Thibouville-Lamy - Circa 1880-1910$295.00
NEW!Original U.S. Civil War Era Continental Engraved 9mm Pinfire Double Action Revolver Serial 58875 - c. 1860$1,095.00