- 2414 Items
2414 Items
NEW!Original WWI Imperial German Kaiserliche Marine Navy Officer Fore & Aft Chapeau bras Bicorne Hat with Box$895.00
NEW!Original German WWII Extra Large Army Heer M40 Single Decal Steel Helmet with 1939 Dated 60cm Liner - Stamped Q68$1,195.00
NEW!Original Imperial German WWI Prussian EM/NCO Infantry M1915 Pickelhaube Spiked Helmet Dated 1915 - Size 56$895.00
NEW!Original German WWI Prussian M1915 Jäger zu Pferde Lobster Tail Pickelhaube Helmet Shell by Otto Nachtigall of Berlin - Dated 1915$895.00
NEW!Original Imperial German WWI Unit Marked M1907 Feldmütze Field Cap with National Cockade & Spare$595.00
NEW!Original German WWII M40 Refurbished 84th Infantry Division Souvenir Camouflage Chicken Wire Helmet - Stamped EF66$550.00
NEW!Original German WWII 1944 Dated Luftwaffe M43 Einheitsmütze Field Cap with RBNr. - Size 55$795.00
NEW!Original German WWII 2nd Model 1942 dated Afrikakorps DAK Sun Helmet with Badges - size 57$495.00
NEW!Original Imperial German WWI Bavarian EM/NCO M1915 Pickelhaube Spiked Helmet$895.00
NEW!Original German WWII M34 Square Dip Double Decal Fire Protection Police Helmet with Comb and Rare Leather Neck Shield - Feuerwehr$595.00
NEW!Original German WWII 1940 Dated Late Pattern Metropolitan Police Shako by C. Pose with Chinstrap - Size 55$895.00
NEW!Original German WWII Named Heer Cavalry Officers Schirmmütze Visor Crush Cap with Glue Repaired Visor - size 56 ½$795.00
NEW!Original German WWII Luftwaffe EM-NCO Wool M38 Overseas Cap with Faded Markings$395.00
NEW!Original German WWII Heer Army EM-NCO Schiffchen M38 Overseas Cap with Two Part Liner$795.00
NEW!Original German WWII Heer Army EM-NCO Schiffchen M42 Overseas Cap with Neck Flap - Service Worn$495.00
NEW!Original German Pre-WWII M34 Square Dip Early Style Police Helmet with Double Decals - Size 56$695.00
NEW!Original German Pre-WWII M34 Square Dip Early Style Fire Police Helmet with Double Decals - Size 58$595.00
NEW!Original German WWII First Model DAK Afrikakorps Sun Helmet with Badges - Size 55$595.00
NEW!Original German WWII Late Pattern Rural Police Shako with Leather Chinstrap & Post-War Feldzeichen$695.00
NEW!Original German Pre WWII Soldatenbund Soldier's League Veterans Association Officer's Visor Cap with Kyffhäuserbund Insignia$395.00