- 1516 Items
1516 Items
NEW!Original U.S. WWII Named Women’s Army Corps Uniform & Binder Album Grouping - Army Air Corps Tactical School$850.00
NEW!Original U.S. WWII Navy Small Scale Identification Model Set in Original Box with Inventory List - Training Division Bureau of Naval Personnel$495.00
NEW!Original U.S. WWII Thompson M1928A1 Display Submachine Gun Serial NO.S-285788 - Original WW2 Parts$3,495.00
NEW!Original Italian WWII Divisional General Uniform Grouping with Trousers & Bustina Field Cap With Museum Sign - Formerly A.A.F. Tank Museum Collection - Generale Di Divisione$1,895.00
NEW!Original U.S. WWII Navy USN MK2 Talker Flak Helmet with Chin Strap$450.00
NEW!Original German WWII Inert 98k Rifle Schießbecher Anti-Tank Grenade - Große Gewehrpanzergranate$295.00
NEW!Original German Post-WWII German Federal Republic Panzer Battalion 363 Pennant Flag on Museum Display - Formerly Part of the A.A.F. Tank Museum$195.00
NEW!Original U.S. Pre - WWI Reissue M1905 Springfield 16 inch Rifle Bayonet Marked R.I.A. with WWII M3 Scabbard - Dated 1906 - First Year of Production$495.00
NEW!Original U.S. WWII Era US Army Air Forces Aviator Pilot Wings Marked Sterling$195.00
NEW!Original Belgian WWII Era FN Browning Model 1922 Soft Face Leather Holster$295.00
NEW!Original U.S. WWII B-17 Navigator Distinguished Flying Cross Recipient 1st Lieutenant Stanton H Small Painted A-2 Flight Jacket & Uniform Grouping with Engraved DFC & Air Medal and 4 Photo Albums - 833rd Bomb Squadron 486th Bomb Group$12,995.00
NEW!Original U.S. Korean War Era MkII M21 Inert Practice Pineapple Fragmentation Hand Grenade with M205A2 Fuze$250.00
NEW!Original Dutch Cold War Era V-45 Mini Grenade Body$250.00
NEW!Original German French & British WWI Inert Relic Grenade Lot - Kugel, F1, and Cricket Ball Grenades$450.00
NEW!Original Japanese WWII Hand Painted Cloth Good Luck Flag (26” x 38”) and 1946 Souvenir Flag (10½” x 13”) - 2 Items$495.00
NEW!Original German WWII Kriegsmarine U-Boat Grey Leather Jacket and Trouser Set$1,095.00
NEW!Original German WWII HJ Youth Shooting Proficiency Marksman's Badge by Matthias Oechsler & Söhne of Ansbach - RZM M1/14$195.00
NEW!Original German WWII 2nd Class 25 Year Civil Service Faithful Service Medal in Case by Friedrich Keller$195.00
NEW!Original U.S. WWII Untouched M1 Fixed Bale Helmet with RARE Hood Rubber Co. Low Pressure Liner - Liner Chinstrap Stuck to Rim$1,495.00
NEW!Original U.S. WWII Numbered Purple Heart Medal in Original Presentation Case - #247604$295.00