- 366 Items
366 Items
SALE!Original Imperial German Early Inert M1915 Brennzunder Stick Grenade by Lachmann - Stielhandgranate
$1,195.00$995.00 -
Original Austro-Hungarian WWI Zeitzünder Rohrhandgranate Hand Grenade
NEW!Original French WWI F1 Practice Hand Grenade with Billant Modèle 1916 Fuse - Inert$495.00
NEW!Original French WWI Inert IIIrd Army “Double” Raquet Pétard “Hair Brush” Stick Fragmentation Grenade - Pétard de la IIIe Armée$450.00
NEW!Original German WWI Model 1917 n/A Inert Egg Hand Fragmentation Grenade With Transit Plug - Eierhandgranate$250.00
NEW!Original French WWI Trench Art Meat Fork Made from Shell Explosion at Lille on January 11th, 1916$295.00
Original Imperial German WWII 77mm Model M1896 Field Gun - Dated 1901 - 7.7 cm FK 96 n.A.
SALE!Original Canadian WWI Inert Ordnance QF 18-Pounder Artillery Round Trench Art Lamp - Functional
$495.00$350.00 -
SALE!Original Imperial German WWI Model 1916 Inert Training Stick Grenade - Übung Stielhandgranate
$795.00$595.00 -
SALE!Original Soviet Russian POMZ-2 Anti Personnel Mine - INERT - Head Only
$495.00$250.00 -
SALE!Original Austro-Hungarian WWI Inert “Universal” Rifle Grenade
$395.00$295.00 -
SALE!Original French WWI French Belgian Relations Allied Victory German Shell Casing Trench Art - Honneur A La Vaillante Belgique
$495.00$350.00 -
SALE!Original Italian WWI Bangalore Torpedo Explosive Tube for Clearing Obstacles