Item Description
Original Items: One of a Kind Set. "JACK THE RIPPER" was never caught, and today there are several theories identifying various men of being that Monster. Most are quite logical but the Truth will probably never be known. The Special Department at Scotland Yard tasked with this investigation was known as "H - DIVISION". To put this into today's prospective these Officers, who were supposed to be the very best became a household name, something like "Seal Team 6" is revered today.
The famous lead Investigator was DETECTIVE INSPECTOR FREDERICK ABBERLINE, and his Detective Sergeant was WILLIAM THICK who had joined the Metropolitan Police on March 16th 1868 as a Foot Constable. By 1873 he was a Police Sergeant and had earned the Nickname of "JOHNNY UPRIGHT" for his dedicated honesty and for being uncorruptible.
The Jack the Ripper murders started in the East end of London on April 3rd 1888. Basically the victims were all Prostitutes who were unspeakably mutilated, the killer removing certain body parts as souvenirs. There were ELEVEN murders in all said to have been committed by the Ripper and the murders stopped after the final victim died on February 13th 1891. The Detectives of "H - DIVISION" were considered as Supermen and received national acclaim despite the fact that they failed to get a conviction or even make an arrest. HEROES of their day!
Here we offer a Victorian Cased set belonging to DETECTIVE SERGEANT WILLIAM THICK. It measures 16" wide by 10 1/2" deep by 6" tall. It was made by NEEDS & CO. LATE J. BRAMAH, which is stamped in gold inside the lid. The interior has a removable tray with multiple compartments, which when lifted out reveals a further space again divided up into multiple compartments. All the surfaces, both inside and out are covered in in a finely hatched black leather. The interior of the lid has a cross design of black ribbons behind which it was intended to store documents etc.
The center of the Exterior lid in fitted with a brass inlaid handle mounted on a base plate on which is engraved:-
H - DIV.
The contents of this case are numerous, interesting and in many cased initialled to the Owner "W.T."
They consist of:-
A 54 bore TRANTER Double trigger Percussion revolver, marked with TRANTER'S / PATENT on the loading rammer and double trigger. The revolver has extensive engraving throughout, definitely a top level private purchase item. The right side of the frame is marked with serial No 12878 - T. The top strap has the retailers information:
( LATE )
This Company worked from 1850 until 1900 from a Shop in London. The revolver is in very fine condition with very crisp walnut checkered grip plates. Blue finish has turned grey. The double trigger uses the lower trigger to cock the weapon and the upper cock to discharge the revolver. This mechanism looks to be fully functional, but as with any revolver of this age, it can be finicky. There is an inlaid silver plaque in the grip engraved W.T. There is also a nickel plated square Gun Oil bottle with screw top with dipper.
In addition the case contains these gun supply items:- A brass and copper Powder Flask, an iron bullet mold together with a few lead balls. A wood handled nipple wrench and an empty tin with label of ELEY Percussion Caps.
A very handsome silver mounted Cigar holder in it's brown leather covered Case, a silver engraved Vesta box for matches engraved W.T. together with a silver hallmarked Cigar Cutter, an extending silver Cigar ventilator and a handsome leather Cigar case embossed with the the Victorian Coat of Arms over LONDON MAKE.
There is a nickel plated propelling pencil with no lead, which opens to be a dip pen on the other end, Its maker's name is there but unreadable. There is an Ink Well housed in its travelling box with INK printed in gold on the top together with and original cardboard box of Sealing Wax. There is a nice little folding pen knife with Mother of Pearl grips, Silver hallmarked blade and engraved W. THICK.
There is a plain glass tumbler in it travelling cardboard case, and a brass Sovereign weight scale for both Full sovereigns and Half Sovereigns to determine authenticity, signed HARRISON the Maker. There are a pair, (actually three) Lion's Head clasps with chains for securing a Victorian Police Officer's Cloak.
There is William Thick's Silver Hallmarked Pocket watch with silver chain and two keys. The dial is Maker marked :-
The rear of the Silver Case with " W.T." engraved and if wound in an anti clockwise direction it appears to be in full working order.
Finally we come to Detective Thick's Regulation Derby Handcuffs with key, along with his double ended whistle marked :- THE METROPOLITAN, made by J. HUDSON & CO, BIRMINGHAM.
To finish there are TWO early photographs: a daguerreotype in its frame perhaps of D.S. Thick as a young man and a group shot of the Officers in H-Division, also a couple of Victorian Newspaper cuttings of no known significance.
WILLIAM THICK retired in April of 1893 after 25 years of service and became Superintendent of the TILBURY & SOUTHEND TRAIN POLICE from 1894 until 1914. He died December 7th. 1930.
A fascinating Set from a known Policeman of Historical significance!
Revolver Specifications:
Years of Manufacture: 1868–1874
Caliber: .442 (54-bore)
Ammunition Type: Cap and Ball
Barrel Length: 6 inches
Overall Length: 12 inches
Action: Modified Double Action
Feed System: 5 Shot Revolver
NOTE: International orders of antique firearms MUST be shipped using UPS WW Services (courier). USPS Priority Mail international will not accept these.