Item Description
Original Items: One of a kind Pair. Occasionally we are graced with a matched pair of pistols that come directly from company director Christian Cranmer's acquisitions from over his many years as a collector.
Here are a wonderful pair of early English Flintlock pistols by the foremost Gun Maker of the era: JAMES FREEMAN, whose family worked from 1705 until 1782. His son was also named James, and other members of the family were gunsmiths as well. The pistols feature 8 1/2" iron barrels, with an overall length of 14 1/2”. The barrels bear matching Proof marks from the London Gun Company proof house on the left hand side: the correct Crown / GP black powder "gunmaker's proof" and Crown V "Viewed" proof. These surround a a touch mark of a crowned I F, as at this period the letter "J " was printed as a capital "I". The tops of the barrels are also marked FREEMAN LONDON. They measure about 0.69” at the muzzle, but do look slightly flared out so the true bore may be a bit smaller.
The polished iron lock plates are each marked FREEMAN in a decorative engraved scroll that looks almost like a conch shell. The fabulous Silver mounts on each consist of masked long eared butt caps with "grotesque" masks, trigger guards, escutcheons, two ramrod pipes, and extraordinary side plates. Each side plate constructed of silver depicts a Saracen's saber bearing two Saracen's severed head along its blade. This rather blood thirsty design is intended to commemorate the late 17th century SIEGE OF VIENNA by the Ottoman Sultan based in Constantinople. Ever since the First Crusade in the 11th Century, there were ongoing wars between the Muslims of the Middle East and the Christian European nations.
Close examination of the very end of the trigger guards next to the butt caps, and the edge of these caps on that side shows a London Assay Hall date letter of B in a shield. Consulting London hallmarks shows that this is the correct marking for 1717, placing these pistols relatively firmly at that date. It is possible that they were made a year or so before, but they would not have been left off the gun for any significant amount of time.
The high quality stocks themselves both have a bit of curl to the grain, and have most attractive horn nose caps. They both have some lovely simple line engraving that highlights the shape of the pistol and fittings, with some more ornate engraving around the barrel tang. The wooden ramrods each have horn tips and one is fitted with a screw-shaped ball extractor to the rear.
Condition of the pistols is very good, with very minor wear and a great patina of age. The stocks do show some denting and stress cracking, common for any pistol of this age. The locks both function correctly, holding at half-cock and firing at full.
These pistols are exceptional from just about any point of view. Ready to display with real pride!
Year of Manufacture: 1717
Caliber: .69" Pistol with Flared muzzle
Ammunition Type: Lead Ball & Powder
Barrel Length: 8 1/2 inches
Overall Length: 14 1/2 inches
Action: Flintlock Side Action
Feed System: Muzzle-Loaded
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