Item Description
Original Item: Only One Available. This is a very nice German WWII Schutzstaffel (SS) black leather belt with a round officer's Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Similar to the SS brocade belt buckle, it is constructed of die struck aluminum, with an SS-style rounded wing eagle perched on top of a wreathed "static" swas (hook cross), which is not canted at a 45 degree angle, correct for the SS insignia. The bottom of the buckle has a rounded banner with the Gothic script SS motto, Meine Ehre heißt Treue, (My Honor is Loyalty!).
The reverse of the buckle is concave, and has the buckle catch, which on the other end is crimped around the rectangular keeper. The buckle shows minimal use, with just a bit of wear around the edges. In the center rear there are multiple markings, stamped, with the (RZM) circle on the top, an SS doppelte Siegrune (Double Sig/Victory Rune) (ᛋᛋ) on the left, and 36 / 39 on on the right. Under this is the OLC in a diamond trademark of Overhoff & Cie. of Lüdenscheid, a city with a very large garment accessories industry. This is the company that originally designed the SS buckles and were originally the only company authorized to make them.
The black leather belt is in very good condition, with a black finish that shows moderate wear from service. It is the correct officer's type, with an aluminum end clip that works with the officer buckle. It measures about 38 inches in overall length, though it is stamped with size 105 on the buckle end, for 105cm (41.33 inches), so it may have shrunk over the years. It is also stamped with CROUPON, which indicates the type of leather used.
A very nice German WWII SS Officer's belt! These are quite hard to find, and this is the first example that we have handled. Ready to add to your collection!
History of the SS
The Allgemeine-SS, (General-SS), was originally formed in May 1923 under the auspices of the SA, Sturmabteilung, (Storm/Assault Detachment), as the Stosstrupp Adolf AH (Shock Troops). It was then redesignated Schutzstaffel, (Protection Squad), in April 1925, with the official acceptance of the name verified on the second anniversary of the failed Munich "Beer-Hall" Putsch on November 9th 1925.
As a subordinate unit to the SA, early SS personnel wore the standard SA style box belt buckle. It is believed that Adolf AH personally designed a new pattern box belt buckle specifically for wear by SS EM/NCO personnel with the manufacturing patent being originally granted to the Overhoff & Cie. firm in Lüdenscheid. This new style buckle was adopted for wear by EM/NCO personnel in late 1931 or early 1932. Soon after this the company also designed an officer's buckle, as well as a buckle for the brocade dress belt.