
Original Israeli Palestinian Insurgency in South Lebanon Inert 52mm Mk 2/4 Illumination Mortar Round Dated 1979 - “Ex British 2 Inch Mortar”

Item Description

Original Item: Only One Available. This is a lovely, totally inert example of the Israeli 52mm Mk 4 (2) Illumination Round, often referred to as “Ex British 2 inch”. This round is completely inert and is unable to be converted into an explosive device, per the current standards from the BATF.

Not Available For Export.

The Ordnance SBML two-inch mortar, or more commonly, just "two-inch mortar", was a British mortar issued to the British Army and the Commonwealth armies that saw use during the Second World War and later.

It was more portable than larger mortars, and had greater range and firepower than rifle grenades. Its main purpose was to produce smoke for cover and -through high trajectory and HE shell - engage targets "immune to small arms fire"

The two-inch mortar was one of a number of small mortars brought into service by European nations between the two World Wars.

Due to its small size, and for simplicity, the mortar had no forward strut or bipod like larger designs needed. The barrel was held at the correct angle by one soldier while the other loaded and fired the round. The original design had a large base plate and sights for aiming which used spirit levels. As the design matured, the baseplate became smaller and the sights were omitted. Aiming was by eye and relied on the firer's judgment and experience. With such a short barrel the normal firing method, where the bomb was dropped down the tube and a pin in the base of the barrel struck the detonator in the tail of the bomb, would not work, so firing was by a small trigger mechanism at the breech.

This round appears to be Israeli made, identified by the arsenal stenciling as well as the stamps located on one of the tail fins. The round is in great condition with all paint and markings still highly visible. The round is dated 11-79.

Comes more than ready for display.

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