
Original U.S. Operation Iraqi Freedom Iraq Helmet Bringback Lot - (2) M80 Helmets (1) M90 Helmet - 3 Total

Item Description

Original Items: Only One Lot Available. The Iraq War was a protracted armed conflict in Iraq from 2003 to 2011 that began with the invasion of Iraq by the United States-led coalition that overthrew the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein. The conflict continued for much of the next decade as an insurgency emerged to oppose the coalition forces and the post-invasion Iraqi government. US troops were officially withdrawn in 2011.

The Helmets In This Lot:
- (2) M80 Helmets: The Iraqi M80 Helmet is a military helmet made of compressed canvas used by the Iraqi Armed Forces from the early 1980s onwards. They were used in the Iran–Iraq War, the Persian Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm, and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq/Operation Iraqi Freedom. These helmets were originally manufactured and designed in South Korea by Hyundai Heavy Department or H.H. Didizian, both are South Korean companies, but in 1990 an Iraqi-made version appeared, which is usually fitted with a distinctive rubber rim. Both types of helmet are still in limited service with the Iraqi Security Forces but are being replaced by the American PASGT helmet.

Clearly drawing inspiration from the American M1 Helmet which had first appeared during World War II, it differed significantly in being constructed from compressed layers of fabric coated in plastic. This inevitably offered troops a much lower degree of ballistic protection than a steel helmet, or modern composite helmet such as the PASGT. The M80's liner is a direct copy of the Riddell liner seen on American M1 helmets made after 1972 and used a US type T1 chinstrap. The helmets were supplied painted dark green, this was often overpainted in a desert tan color which has a tendency to rub off, revealing the original color underneath. They also have a tendency to fray at the edges, showing the layers of fabric used in their construction.

In 1990 an Iraqi-made version of this helmet, the M90, appeared which was of inferior quality construction. These later helmets are prone to splitting at the edges and have a protective rubber rim. The post 1990 helmets were supplied in desert tan color only. Both types of helmet can be found with a variety of Arabic and military unit markings, and are sometimes painted white with red markings for the Iraqi Military Police. Iraqi helmets were abandoned in large numbers on the battlefields of Iraq and Kuwait and proved to be popular souvenirs with western soldiers returning home from the Persian Gulf.

Both are in good condition but do show wear and use.

- (1) M90 Helmet: The Iraqi M90 helmet was a military helmet, and was a locally produced version of the Iraqi M80 helmet which was purchased from South Korea. The Iraqi M90 was of lower quality than the M80, being made of plastic, but was issued in the Iraqi armed forces from 1990 until 2003. The Iraqi M90 helmet is sought by military collectors and is hard to find in good condition.

The helmet is in solid, worn condition but does have a crack present.

Lovely examples ready for display.


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