Item Description
Original Items: One-of-a-kind Set. This is a set of unrelated World War One and Interwar China Marine framed photos. The collection is composed of the following items:
- Original Photograph of Sergeant Major Dan Daly 5" x 7" original photo framed in 12" x 11" frame wearing all his medals once of which includes two Medal of Honors and a Distinguished Service Cross. Daniel Joseph Daly (November 11, 1873 – April 27, 1937) was a United States Marine and one of only nineteen men (including seven Marines) to have received the Medal of Honor twice. All Marine double recipients except Daly and Major General Smedley Butler received both Medals of Honor for the same action. Daly is said to have yelled, "Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?" to the men in his company prior to charging the Germans during the Battle of Belleau Wood in World War I. Major General Butler described Daly as, "The fightin'est Marine I ever knew!" Daly reportedly was offered an officer's commission twice to which he responded that he would rather be, " outstanding sergeant than just another officer.
- Original Photograph of Marine in uniform with Good Conduct Medal and Expert Medal. Photo is 5" x 7" framed in 10" x 8" frame.
- Original Photograph of China Marine in uniform riding in a rickshaw being pulled by a Chinese man. 4" x 6" photo in an 8" x 10" frame.
- Original Photograph of a WWI era Marine in uniform with campaign hat and expert badge. 4" x 6" photo in an 8" x 10" frame.
Overall a nice collection of original framed photographs of Marines dating from World War One and after.