
Original U.S. WWII Treasury Poster - “Buy That Invasion Bond!” - Dated 1944

Item Description

Original Item: Only One Available. This is a genuine World War II U.S. Treasury War Bonds poster (20" X 28") that features the "Buy That Invasion Bond!" artwork by R. Moore.
Using descriptions of the D-Day invasion as inspiration, and with Allied forces gaining a foothold in mainland Europe, artist R. Moore encouraged civilians to buy war bonds in order to keep American troops moving forward on their push to Berlin.

The poster features a scene very similar to images related to the Normandy Invasion and beach head assaults. The poster reads, BUY THAT INVASION BOND! in giant yellow block print at the bottom of the poster. Above the text is a beautifully drawn image of U.S. soldiers storming a hill, much like the D-Day invasion at Normandy would have looked. There are soldiers unloading from multiple Higgins boats, others charging a hill covered with barbed wire, and others lying on the hill shooting. In the background the Higgins boats can be seen getting bombed by enemy planes as many more Allied boats and planes are arriving on the horizon. The amazing original artwork for this poster was done in 1944 by R. Moore as can be seen by the printed signature on the left side of the poster's image. The bottom of the poster says, OFFICIAL U.S. TREASURY POSTER. In smaller print in the bottom left corner it reads, U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1944-O-597798. In the bottom right corner there is the code, WFD 937.

The poster is in great condition and is still folded in its original 8 fold pattern as they were for disbursement purposes during the war. Comes ready to display in your WWII propaganda collections!


Cash For Collectibles

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