Item Description
Original one-of-a-kind item.
This is a lovely set dating to the period of 1808-1819 comprising of a combined Double Barreled Flintlock Pistol and writing set originating from Liverpool England.
The Flintlock Pistol, made by PATRICK of LIVERPOOL is a double-barreled side-by-side boxlock brass framed pistol complete with spring bayonet on the right side. This has a lever on the left side, which selects the barrel that is to be fired. A very nice over coat sized pistol which displays what appears to be A Winged Griffin in it nest with Young". This symbol is the Caldecot coat of arms and also appears on the brass name plate on the top of the case.
The beautiful fully brass mounted burl walnut brass bound chest with recessed folding carry handle into center top has an inscription CHARLES CALDECOT, R.N. with coat of arms underneath. This fabulous chest is beautifully lined in rich blue velvet lining with compartments for bullet mold, power flask, spare flints and lead pistol balls.
In addition there is a compartment for a travelling ink well with Navy Anchor with Sea Monster motif and another for what now contains an Original French Napoleonic period bronze circular snuff container with a depiction of Napoleon's head on one surface with letters around saying "BONAPARTE PRIMUS CONSUL, ANNO V111 ".
The reverse or underside also carries a detailed scene of what appear to be Greek Classical figures with writing around. This bronze circular container measure 2-inches across and when tightly closed .75-inches in depth.
Included in the bullet mold compartment is an original set of sovereign scales intended for weighing gold coins to ensure they had not been over clipped. Remember there was no milling to the coin edges in this earlier period that led to coin shaving, which as a result debased the currency. This clever little fold away scale comes with full printed long hand type instructions clearly showing the maker: "A.WILKINSON, LATE OF KIRKBY NEAR LIVERPOOL".
The inside lining of the Case lid is a beautiful tufted blue satin which has a silver catch that when opens reveals a hidden compartment behind. The rear of the tufted liner has a document pouch which bears the label; "THOMAS WOOLFIELD, 71 & 72 CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL together with the set's order number "112". The underside of the case lid shows an empty compartment with two wood slats at either side one of which has some sort of brass lock or catch, the use of which is currently unknown. However it is suspected that perhaps there existed a removable compartment for pens and other personal items that is now absent.
This Set is nothing short of a magnificent example of the cabinetmaker art accommodating the requirement of a British Naval Officer for his shipboard service.
As for Charles Caldecot, he joined voluntarily in 1808; saw masses of action as a Midshipman, moved from Ship to Ship, from Action to Action. In December 1814 he passed his Lieutenant examination and finished up his Naval career as a First-Lieutenant in 1827 aboard H.M.S. Boadicea fighting the Barbary Pirates in the Straits of Malacca.
He then retired and married Mary a Minister's daughter to have a family. A full copy of his biography from O'BYRNE'S "NAVAL BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY" is included with the purchase of this set.